Answered By: Berkeley College Library
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2022     Views: 306

Berkeley College students and associates can request books or DVD’s from other campuses either online through our Library Catalog, or in person by asking a librarian. 

To request items online, you should follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Berkeley Canvas Account or Engage portal.
  2. Click on the Library tile in Engage or the Library link in a Canvas class menu, to get to the Library page.
  3. Click the Library Catalog icon.
  4. Search for the book or DVD you’d like to request.
  5. Click on the Place Hold icon near the item you want to request.
  6. A Log In box will open asking for a Library Card number and PIN. 
    • Use your full Berkeley Student ID number for the Library ID
    • Use the last 4 digits of your Berkeley ID number for the PIN
  7. Wait for an email from the Library confirming you can pick up your item.


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