Answered By: Maria Deptula
Last Updated: Dec 16, 2021     Views: 564

Information on how to write a business plan can be found in several business databases, such as ABI/INFORM Collection.

Access the database list by clicking on the A-Z Databases tile from the library homepage. You will see the list of library databases, in alphabetical order, or you can select by Subject or type of databases. If you choose Business or Companies or Industry from the All Subjects dropdown, the best databases to search for that information will be listed. You can click on one and search for company reports or industry reports or articles about the business in the recommended database for that information:

When you filter by Subject, a list of recommended Databases will appear.

In addition, many books on business plans can be found in the library catalog.

Finally, the Small Business Administration's website offers tools for creating business plans, including sample plans.  

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