Answered By: Vicki Sciuk
Last Updated: Sep 23, 2021     Views: 630

There are three main ways to find information about a specific company's vision, corporate or organizational culture, or management & leadership style: 

  1. For large companies, start with their corporate website - look for links like:
    a) Careers for pages telling prospective employees about their culture
    b) About Us for indications of their vision or mission or leadership style

  2. Search Library Databases:
    a) start with LibSearch (main gold Library search box on top of our Library website), using keywords such as Your Company and "corporate culture" or Your Company and "organizational culture"

    b) you can also search ABI/Inform, which is all articles from business publications. It's much more useful when you need to find very specific information. For example, if the company's website said "diversity" or "radical honesty" are important parts of their culture, then you can search for articles using search terms such as: Your Company and diversity or Your Company and "radical honesty". Or if you need information on their handling of conflicts, try something like Your Company and "conflict management" (make sure to put the phrases in quotes, to keep the words together). 
  3. Often the best information is found by searching for articles about, or interviews with, the CEO or founder of the company. So search in LibSearch or ABI/Inform using keywords such as CEO's name and "management style" or CEO's name and "corporate culture"​

For example, here's a search for Netflix's CEO Reed Hastings and corporate culture in LibSearch:

Screenshot of Database Search

Here are a few ebooks that could also help you discuss your company's management style or corporate culture:

Benfari, R. C. (2013). Understanding and changing your management style : Assessments and tools for self-development. ProQuest Ebook Central.

Staff of Entrepreneur Media Inc. (2018). Entrepreneur voices on company culture. ProQuest Ebook Central

Schein, E. H., & Schein, P. A. (2016). Organizational culture and leadership. ProQuest Ebook Central.

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