Answered By: Berkeley College Library
Last Updated: Dec 16, 2020     Views: 209

Print Books

Our Library has a number of print books available on environmental issues (including 'air pollution' or 'climate change') which students can borrow from any Berkeley College campus library. 

First, visit the library homepage and click on the 'Library Catalog' icon (as shown in the images below): 


Once in the online library catalog you can type in the search box 'environmental science' or something more specific (such as 'air pollution' or 'climate change') as keywords, and a list of book titles based on those keywords will appear in the results list. You can click on any title from the list to check for the call number, it's campus library location, and its availability status. If the book is not located at the campus library you would normally use, you can request a hold on the item (using the 'place hold' button). See image below for an example using these search terms. 

Note: If you haven't done this before, you must do a quick registration in the catalog for the 'place hold' function to work. Use your Library ID (your full Berkeley Student ID number) and your PIN (the last 4 digits of your Berkeley ID number) the first time you set up an account for Holds.


Ebooks: There are also ebooks available on this topic, via the library's Ebook Central databasewhich contains over 140,000 online full-text books. You can find eBook Central on the library's database page found on the Library homepage by selecting the the 'Databases' icon.

When you see the databases page, click on E from the A-Z list, then pick Ebook Central database.


In Ebook Central you can use the same approach to searching as was done to find print books, or try a combination of search terms such as "air pollution and climate change."  A results list for these search terms is shown in the image below.  Note: you can generate shorter results lists by choosing a specific publication year (2017) and subject ('Environmental Studies') from the options on the left side of the results list. 


Note: Not all the eBooks there are immediately available, only ones with a green Available icon. To just show the ones that you can read right away, check the box under Book Status on the left that says "Owned and subscribed to by my library".


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