Answered By: Vicki Sciuk
Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025     Views: 950

Make sure you are logged into Canvas, or use this link from the Databases page:

If you can't see the full text of an article or the photos are not visible, WWD recommends making a personal login using your Berkeley email address. Go to this link

Fill in your user name, and students must pick from the drop-down box to the right. Once you create it, whenever you see the Subscribe or Log In buttons in WWD, log in with the password you just made and you should be able to scroll down through the whole article.

We have access to the full text of recent issues (the last year) for 40 concurrent users using the Berkeley Libraries link to the WWD website. So as long as no more than 40 Berkeley students and faculty are in WWD at the same time, you should be able to get all the newer articles. 

We also have back issues of WWD in full-text in these databases, which include all but the most recent issues; if you see PDF versions, click on the PDF to see photos as well as the text. 

  1. ProQuest Central - 12/29/2000 - present (except the last 2 months)
    Click on "Full text - PDF" to see photos, in articles from 2019 to present
  2. ABI/INFORM Collection - 12/29/2000 - present (except the last 2 months)
    Click on "Full text - PDF" to see photos, in articles from 2019 to present

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