Answered By: Vicki Sciuk
Last Updated: Oct 18, 2024     Views: 6394

The best database to use is ProQuest Health & Medical Collection, which has articles from many medical journals, since you are looking for articles with a lot of medical terms in them. Always check the boxes for Full-Text and Peer-reviewed under the search box, so you get long journal articles with many medical terms, rather than short "newsy" ones written for the public. For some topics, you can also use the Health Reference Center database.

There is a LibGuide (library research guide) that was created especially for the HEA 2200 Word Parts assignment. It contains an APA template and links to healthcare databases and other good places to search for articles, definitions, and lists of prefixes, roots & suffixes needed for this class.

The Find Articles page (on the left side of the screen) has links to good places to find articles about a disease. The Definitions & Word Parts page lists online and in-print medical dictionaries to help you throughout the class. It is especially useful for the assignment to find a journal article with many medical terms, pick out the terms, then define them and break them down into word parts for your final paper


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