Answered By: Berkeley College Library
Last Updated: Dec 07, 2022     Views: 6087

If you are looking for this statement in the “words” of the company, the best place to look is on the company website or annual report (which may be included on the company's website). An Internet search on the company should do the trick. For a more specific search, you can try an Internet search such as this (for the retail company Target Corporation):

target corporation and mission statement

If you duplicate the search above and find the mission statement page, you will see that Target has augmented the page with charities they are involved with and values they promote. Remember that when looking at any document, point of view or bias is something to keep in mind. Be aware that companies will not post negative information about themselves on the Web. Sometimes mission statements are slogans. Not-for-profit organizations have mission statements too.

You can also do a regular search on appropriate databases located under the Business Subject heading and look for articles that perhaps have a different perspective.

Business Insights: Global and Nexis Uni are good databases for company research. They may include the company mission and vision statements.



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