Answered By: Vicki Sciuk
Last Updated: Sep 17, 2022     Views: 793

For an IBISWorld Company Benchmarking Report, you would follow the conventions of APA style.  Be sure to check your assignment for the citation style requirements for your course.

Since the company reports do not have individual author names or dates, you will use the report title, report number, and database name (in italics) in your citation. You usually do not show database names in APA References. But this is an exception since the database is the author of these Company Benchmarking Reports, which are only available from IBISWorld. Also, because it will change over time, include "Retrieved from" with the date you viewed it and the URL to end the reference. Use the sample citation below the screenshot as an example to follow for your references.

Company Reports with no author or date:


APA Company Report Format

 Report Name: Report Number. (n.d.). IBISWorld. Retrieved Month dd, yyyy, from URL

APA Company Report References Page Example:

Walt Disney Co: Company Benchmarking Report 349267. (n.d.). IBISWorld. Retrieved September 16, 2022, from

In-Text Example:

(shortened title, n.d)
(Walt Disney Co, n.d.)

For more information, we have an FAQ on citing an Industry Report from this database, the CAS's website & contact information, and the APA's rationale for citing these reports this way in the links below:

Related FAQs