Answered By: Vicki Sciuk Last Updated: Jul 15, 2024 Views: 4996
The Statista database is mainly made up of graphs & charts of statistics and information which the database compiles on different topics, which can be used for college projects and papers. You can use built-in citation tools for many entries, showing where the info came from. Others are cited the same as webpages or reports. See the screenshots and templates below to show you how to find or create APA citations for Statista:
Charts & Graphs - any chart or graph can be cited by clicking the cite icon to the right and copying the citation for the format (APA, MLA) that your professor requires.
Outlooks - market outlook pages have a cite icon in the upper right of the page. If you change some of the criteria, the Citation will change too (like from global market to just US, or to Digital Media: Video games, instead of all digital media).
Infographics - Scroll down to the bottom of an Infographic, and you'll see a Citation box to pick APA on the left, then the citation will be in the box to the right.
Sample Citations for reports without a Cite feature:
Company DB Profiles - These one-page compilations of financials for a company don't show authors or dates. Normally you do not show database names in APA References. But this is an exception since the database is the author of some of its content, like these Company Profiles. APA says to list the name of a database (in italics) in a citation when it publishes original, proprietary works available only in that database or archive. Also, because it has no date and will change over time, include "Retrieved from" with the date you viewed it and the URL to end the reference:
APA Format for Statista Company pages:
Name of Company (n.d.) Statista. Retrieved on Month DD, YYYY, from URL
Sample citation of company summary above:
Tesla, Inc. (n.d.). Statista. Retrieved on September 10, 2022, from
In-text APA Citation: (Tesla, n.d.)
Reports - Statista produces longer reports containing many charts on trends, brands, markets, industries and countries. These reports (or "dossiers") are available to download for free from Berkeley library as PDFs or PowerPoint slideshows, and the graphs can be used for your coursework. So this is another exception since the database is the author/compiler of these reports, and for APA we put the database name (in italics) in the citation.
APA format for a Statista report:
Report title. (yyyy Month dd). Statista. Retrieved on Month DD, YYYY, from URL
Sample APA citation of the report above:
Electric vehicles in the United States. (2022 April). Statista. Retrieved on Sepember 14, 2022, from
In-text APA Citation: ("Electric Vehicles," 2022)
This Searching Statista video explains it and also shows where to find formatted citations
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