The newest APA style manual says blog posts should be cited the same as journal articles, and the name of the blog should be put in italics: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/blog-post-references
Here is an example citing a post from the APA's Style Blog:
Lee, C. (2021, March 8). “I found it online”: Citing online works in APA Style. APA Style Blog. https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/citing-online-works
MLA's 8th edition emphasizes the MLA template of core elements more than having samples of all types of references. Using the general MLA concepts for citing electronic sources & websites, the Purdue OWL gives guidance for citing a listserv, discussion group, or blog posting near the bottom of this webpage:
https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_ guide/mla_works_cited_electronic_sources.html
Here is an example of a blog entry following that guidance:
Ramsey, Franchesca. “MTV Decoded: 3 Hollywood Myths About Policing.” Franchesca Ramsey Blog, 4 Aug. 2020, www.franchesca.net/mtv-decoded-3-hollywood-myths-about-policing/. Accessed 16 March 2021.
For more information about citing, check the CAS Writing & Citing LibGuide.