Berkeley College library provides access to a number of databases that can be searched for articles on nursing topics and research on nursing.
These are a few recommended databases:
- CINAHL - with hundreds of journals covering nursing, biomedicine, health sciences, alternative medicine, consumer health, and allied health.
- Health and Medical Collection - articles on anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, pathology, disease, medicine, surgery, and oncology. It also includes charts, diagrams, graphs, photos, and other graphics.
- Nursing & Allied Health - articles on nursing, allied health, pediatric care, pharmacology, alternative medicine, public health, nutrition, and more.
- Public Health - articles on nutrition, physical fitness, social services, genetics, drug abuse, alcoholism, rehabilitation, industrial safety, allergies and immunology, communicable and infectious diseases, nursing, and pediatrics.
To find additional databases for nursing and health services please click here.
For more detailed assistance, including videos, and suggestions for PICO searches and EBP classes, check out the sections in the library's Nursing Research LibGuide.