Answered By: Berkeley College Library
Last Updated: Aug 17, 2020     Views: 112

Government websites and documents are an excellent source of current information for crime statistics, events,

and behaviors in specific areas of the United States. To find government information, follow the steps below:

  • Scroll down to “Narrow your results by” and choose Site or Domain.  
  • In the Site or Domain field, enter .gov.  This will produce a search for government-based documents.  


  • Scroll back up to the top of the page to “all these words”. 

  • Enter the name of the city you’re researching, along with the word “crime,” e.g. Boston crime. 


  •  You will find a page of government documents results related to the topic.  


You can also try searching for other more specific words. Examples include:

  • Providence armed robbery
  • St. Louis larceny
  • San Francisco sexual assault
  • Minneapolis drug possession

For historical data you can check the library catalog and search for books on crime statistics.

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