Answered By: Berkeley College Library
Last Updated: May 06, 2020     Views: 202

You can use library databases to find articles on marketing plans, specifically the ABI/INFORM Collection

First, visit the library homepage and click on the 'A-Z Databases' icon (as shown in the images below): 



Once on the A-Z list, you can click on the letter A, or choose Business from the "All subjects" box, then pick the ABI/INFORM Collection link.

The next step will be to generate keywords. You can start with "Marketing plans" as a search terms, so enter this into the ABI/Inform search box. Putting topics that are more than one word in quotation marks (" ") makes the database search it as a phrase, not just isolated words. This helps you find more relevant results. Also remember to check on the small 'Full-Text' box before hitting the 'search' button.

To get a more focused list of articles, you can use other search terms for combination search, such as "marketing plans" AND (use the name of specific company or industry), or "marketing plans" AND "start ups".

Each time you enter the search terms, the ABI/INFORM generates a results list of articles. It is important to utilize the 'Narrow Results' search option of the ABI/Inform database (contained at the left of the page in any results list of articles). You can narrow results by publication date (for articles published within the last few years), source type (scholarly journal, newspaper, business magazine, trade journal), or document type (article, case study, industry report, conference report, interview, book chapter, etc.). There's also a search option to arrange articles by subject. Using one or more of these search options provides more focused and shorter results lists of articles for you to read through. Use the image below as a guide for using the Narrow Results options (see image below)

Click on the title of articles you are interested in to see the full text. Once you've chosen an article to include in your paper, ABI/INFORM has a 'cite' feature that will enable you to create a citation for the article in APA or MLA format (depending on what was designated by the instructor). You'll see the 'Cite' link in the box at the top right (see image below).



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