Cengage has launched Techcheck.cengage.com, a website that provides full visibility into the availability of all Cengage’s digital platforms. You can check there to see if Cengage brain or MINDTAP or another of their educational websites are down.
Techcheck.cengage.com provides the real-time status of all Cengage platforms, ensuring that students and faculty have immediate and continuous insight into platform availability. This new site checks Cengage’s platforms every 5 minutes, providing a highly detailed view of product availability. You can view status in 12-hour, 24-hour, or 30-day intervals. If a service interruption does take place, Techcheck.cengage.com will provide crucial platform updates.
After checking techcheck.cengage.com, if the platform should be working but is not, please contact the Berkeley College HelpDesk at 973-278-5400 ext. 1540 or through chat.