Answered By: Berkeley College Library Last Updated: Oct 15, 2022 Views: 608
"The Bluebook" is a citation style guide that is used when citing research in a legal setting. It is compiled and edited by the Harvard Law Review Association, Columbia Law Review, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and the Yale Law Journal.
Does the library have access to a digital copy of The Bluebook?
NO. Unfortunately, the library does NOT have a digital copy of The Bluebook. There are physical copies at select library locations. Any student, faculty, or staff may go to one of these locations and use The Bluebook in the library.
But there are approved internet resources that you may use as examples to help you create a proper Bluebook citation for legal research assignments: *
The Bluebook Quick Style Guide
This is the page where you can view the official Bluebook's Quick Style Guide.
Note: This does not entitle you to full access to The Bluebook. It only provides access to the Quick Style Guide, just sample cites for the White Pages. There is no access to the Blue Pages at all.
Berkeley College Legal Citation Guide
This page provides information on various citation formats including The Bluebook.
Georgetown Law Library Bluebook Guide
The Georgetown Law Library has created this guide to introduce students to The Bluebook and the basic concepts of legal citation.
The Citation Machine is a site that will help you create citations using The Bluebook citation format, but you must be very careful that you pick the correct type of source and enter the proper data in the boxes.
* If your assignment is to search for a case in a legal database and you just need the citation for one that you found, these Q&A show you where to find the citation tools in Westlaw & Nexis Uni:
Westlaw: Can Westlaw help me get legal citations?
Nexis Uni: Can I get a Bluebook citation from Nexis Uni?
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