Answered By: Berkeley College Library
Last Updated: Aug 31, 2020     Views: 1485

Your Berkeley College Librarians have created hundreds of helpful research guides that will introduce you to the best resources for a given assignment, course, or subject area. We call these research guides LibGuides, and this is a great place to start your research.

All of our LibGuides are listed on the LibGuides Homepage 

You can search for a specific LibGuide via the search box at the top of the page or you can search by subject in the boxes below. You can also click the “All Guides” link to see an alphabetical list of all of our LibGuides.

Each LibGuide will contain a number of tabs that will help you navigate through the content. For example:

  • The homepage will give you details on your assignment
  • The “Books/eBooks” tab will point you to helpful books that you can borrow from our campus libraries, and/or electronic books that can be read from a browser or downloaded to your mobile device
  • The “Journals/Databases” tab will show you the best databases to use for your research
  • The “Websites” tab will point you to Internet resources that your librarians have already evaluated for credibility
  • The “Videos” tab will show you some multimedia content to support your research
  • The “Writing and Citing” tab will bring you to the CAS guide with tons of helpful information
  • The “Contact Us” tab will provide you with the contact information for librarians who created the guide and are available to support your research


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