Answered By: Vicki Sciuk Last Updated: Jun 05, 2023 Views: 12339
Most articles in the Business Insights database have a Cite icon at the top of the page where you can get an APA formatted citation for your References list. Look for that while reading Company Histories, SWOT reports, Market Research Reports, or articles about the company.
However, the Company Profiles, related Financial Performance pages, and Investment Reports don't have a citation tool, so this is how you can create a proper APA citation for those pages:
Company Profiles
Here's a Company search for Starbucks, showing the top of the Company Profile page:
Company Profiles:
You usually do not show database names in APA References. But this is an exception since the database is the author of some of its content, like these Company Profiles. APA says to list the name of a database (in italics) in a citation when it publishes original, proprietary works available only in that database. Also, because it will change over time, include "Retrieved on" with the date you viewed it and the URL (from the Get Link button or browser address bar) to end the reference. Here's a sample cite for Starbucks' Company Profile:
Starbucks Corporation. (n.d.). Business Insights. Retrieved on December 14, 2022, from
Financial Performance
Create the APA citation using the name of the page of charts you're looking at, such as the 2022 Balance Sheet in the example below, as the title. After the year, put the database name in italics (Business Insights) and follow with "Retrieved on" and the date, "from" the URL (from the Get Link button).
Starbucks Corporation: Balance Sheet. (2022). Business Insights. Retrieved on December 14, 2022, from
Investment Reports
These are written by outside analyst companies, so use the name of the analyst company (as the author) and include the date it was published in the citation, followed by the page title and the URL of the PDF (from the browser address bar):
Reuters. (2022, December 9). Starbucks Corp. Investment Profile.
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