Books and media may be renewed online through My Account in the online Library Catalog.
Logging into My Account, will show you all of the titles that you currently have checked out from the library, allow you to renew items that you wish to keep out longer, and check on the status of books that you have requested.
You can access My Account from the library catalog on the library homepage:
- Log into Engage
- Click on the Library tile
- Click on the Library Catalog tile
- Click on the Log In button on the upper right to sign in.
To sign in use:
- Library ID = Your full Berkeley Student ID number
- PIN = The last 4 digits of your Student ID number
Contact the nearest Campus Library if you are having difficulty signing into My Account or if your library account is listed as expired.
To see what items you borrowed, and to renew ones that are due back in the library:
- Click on the dropdown arrow next to [your name] Account in the upper right of the page.
- Click on Loans.
- From the list that appears, you can click on the Renew Loan button on the item you wish to keep longer.
- The loan will be renewed for another loan period and the Due Date will be updated.