Answered By: Berkeley College Library
Last Updated: Sep 01, 2020     Views: 726

EBSCO and eBook Central ebook titles can be downloaded to your tablet or phone for offline reading using Adobe Digital Editions on iOs and Android. Before you begin, you will need to download the app and register your device with your Adobe account. Once your device is prepared, you can access EBSCO or eBook Central with any browser and click "Download" to save the title to your device.

Creating an Adobe Account: 

These steps only need to be done ONCE!

1) Create an Adobe account

2) Install the Adobe Digital Editions on your mobile device

Click here for iOS  ||  Click here for Android

3) Authorize your device with your Adobe ID


Downloading eBooks on your device: 

1) Access eBook Central (or EBSCO) on your mobile device

Onsite click here  ||  Online access through Engage here

2) Once you find a book you would like to download, click on the Read Book icon (eBook Central is pictured below). 

3) When the book opens, select the "Full Download" icon in the toolbar at the top of the page. 



4) A window will pop up asking you to verify what type of device you are using. Select your device type and whether your device is a shared or personal device. 

5) Since you have already created your Adobe account, select "Done With This Step" in the next pop-up window. 


6) Select how long you would like to check out your eBook from the drop down window. 

7) Open in Bluefire Reader and ENJOY!

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